Route 40 Argentina

RN 40 Mendoza

by Bob Frassinetti
Route 40 Argentina
RN 40 Jujuy
Ruote 40 and Route 9 Jujuy - Salta
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RN 40 Mendoza
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Mendoza City Route 40 Argentina

View RN 40 Mendoza Argentina in a larger map

RN40 Provience of Mendoza.
RN 40 General Lavalle

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City of Mendoza
Roue 40 Argentina
Provience of Mendoza

Route Ruta 40 Mendoza Argetnina

Travelling to Mendoza, Argentina in the quest for old and steam tractors along Highway 40, Route 40
Touring around Mendoza with Bob Frassinetti

One of the things I love the most about my job is the fact that I’m always on the move, always hunting for awesome treasures in and around this beautiful country that is Argentina.

This time I’m in Mendoza, a breathtaking city at the bottom of the Andes Mountains; home of the KM 0 of the marvelous Route 40, my favorite place in the whole wide world.

Such was my good luck this time that I managed to find a cozy small hotel on the roadside of Route 40!

The city of Mendoza was founded early in the Colonial times, in 1561. The Incas had reached the region we know today as Cuyo, and more precisely Mendoza in their late expansion years, just before they were conquered by the Spaniards. Therefore, this region was a greatly civilized area, known for its stupendous ecosystem and its great Pre Columbian constructions as well as its refined culture.

Today, more than 400 years after its foundation, Mendoza is a regional metropolis and a melting pot between the Argentine and the Chilean cultures, for it’s in the borderline between this neighboring countries.

Mendoza withholds Argentina’s finest wine production and it’s a precious tourism spot for travelers from around the globe. The brilliant combination of natural resources, winter sports, all year long natural spa facilities and the imponent Aconcagua Mountain –the highest most peak of the American Continent- makes of Mendoza a dream destination for every single one of us who loves to enjoy life’s pleasures and treats.

The city of Mendoza is also the capital of the equally named province. This is a modern and clean, nature friendly capital, features a broad and rich cultural and artistic life.

A stone throw away from downtown Mendoza the visitor finds the ever-growing and improving fine vineyards, wineries and boutique wine producers. Most of these are open all year long for visitation and wine trying. Even better is to enjoy this wonderful option during the month of March, when it’s still summer warm in the region, in the fabulous Wineries Classic and Sports car Rally.

Among the rainbow of urban and ecology friendly tourism that can be found in Mendoza, there are several interesting sights within the city, such as the gorgeous trolleybus transport system.

This transport system was lately installed in Argentina by the late 1940s, specially located in Buenos Aires, but covering other major cities such as Mendoza and Rosario. However the pass of time and the evolution in the automobile industry made it fade away from the rest of the country except for Mendoza, Rosario and the latter addition of Cordoba city in the Mediterranean region of our country.

The first Trolleys of Mendoza were German, made by the famous Mercedes Benz in 1957 in Buenos Aires. Latter on Japanese origin vehicles came to replace the German ones Nissan / Tokyu Car / Toshiba. Most of which were maintained in such proper way that still running by the end of the millennium.

Among the interesting features of the trolley system in Mendoza is the fact that a big commercial shift took place in the mid 1980s when the province exchanged commercially its fine wines for mechanical goods with the USSR by means of the Uritzky, model ZIU 682 that complemented the Japanese fleet.

After the dissolution of the USSR, and together with the growth and development of Mendoza –implying the need of a broadening of their transport system- new imports were made from Germany and Japan to attend the growing demand.

This unique ecology friendly means of transport provides Mendoza with an even more appealing aesthetic to the visitor alike the local. While at the same time, the one of a kind scenario created by Mendoza’s unique features, invites locals and foreigners alike to discover this magic land of beauty and good living.

Bob Frassinetti in Mendoza Argentina 2006

Provience of Mendoza: Proviencia de Mendoza, Argentina. Newspaper clipping: Recortes de diarios.

Provience of Mendoza: Proviencia de Mendoza, Argentina.

Newspaper clipping: Recortes de diarios.


Oeste de la ruta 40 Usapallata

Al Oeste de la ruta 40 Puente del Inca

Al oeste de la ruta 40 Las Cuevas

Ruta Nacional 40 Mendoza

Ruta nacional 40 empalme con ruta al pueblo la Valle empalme a Crus de Paramillos. Ubicado en la provincia de Mendoza a pocos metros de la Cruz de Paramillos, el punto más alto de un camino de tierra entre Villavicencio y Uspallata. Cerca está el mirador del cerro Aconcagua, el más alto de América. Desde Mendoza se puede tomar ruta provincial a Villavicencio (50 km de asfalto y 50 km de tierra) y hacer la ruta panorámica de Los Caracoles (se pueden ver guanacos viviendo en libertad en las laderas de las montañas). También se puede tomar la ruta internacional hacia Chile (107 km de asfalto hasta Uspallata) y luego tomar el camino a Villavicencio (unos 30 km, con unos 15 km de tierra). En invierno es posible que haya nieve.

La Nacion Septiembre 2004 Cruz de Paramillos observatorio cordillerano a 3000 metros sobre el nivel del mar, ruinas jesuiticas, minas desactivadas, profundo silencio y una gran vista a los Andes

Ruta nacional kilometro 0 cuidad de Mendoza. La ruta 40 originalmente nacia en el centro dela ciudad de Mendoza, sobre la avenida San Martin esquina garibaldi, al pie del monumental rascacielos Edificio Gomez (1954).

Todabia hoy los mendocinos se citan "en el Kilometro Cero", aunque el mojon se encuentre ahora en las afueras , en el cruse de los accesos Sur, Norte y Este.

Ruta Nacional 40 Tunuyan

Ruta 40 empalme ruta 143 a San Rafael La Nacion S/A Mendoza en San Rafael ya esta todo a punto la gastronomia de este departamento en el sur de la provincia sorprende con cada vez mas emprendimientos de buen nivel e indentidad local, Datos utiles, L Obrador:Bentos 50; 02627-432723. Restauro: Comandante salas y Day; 02627-445482. la tardecitas de Atuel la bodega 800, rama caida, a 500m de cubillos, 02627 15407203. pueblo viejo: Las virgenes 2774, Eltoledano: 02627 425085.

Al Oeste del la ruta nacional 40 Las Leñas

Las Leñas Mendoza La Nacion S/A veraneo en Mendoza Buceo de alta montaña Hotel Resot Valle de las Leñas 2 Lagunas de alta montaña La Niña encantada con aguas cristalinas y cavernas subacuaticas y Valle Hermoso, mas informaciones www.lasleñ

Ruta 40 La Nacion S/A malargue 400 kilometros al sur de la capital Mendocina, los castillos de pincheira muy cerca de Malaguer, en Mendoza, esperan las cuevas donde se escondio un famoso bandido hispano-chileno.

Los pendientes, Vallecitos pista de esqui refugio y hosteria.

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