The story of this museum goes back in time to 1988 when a group of people in love with contemporary art decided to bring
into life a cultural space in tune with the Sweden conception of Moderna Museet. The idea was to shelter the works of
contemporary art that were being produced in the country, which no one was worried about rescuing nor valuing as a token
of the Chilean Contemporary Art history. They thought that because of the lack of adequate spaces, showrooms and galleries,
most Chilotas were missing on experiencing and living art as part of their current lives.
As a way of escaping the
contemporary approach to art, understood as an over commercialized and excessively ideologized or gracious cultural centers, this
museum opened its doors to works of art that were meant to speak to society by means of being shown in the public spaces.
After 15 years in a row of military regime, under Pinochet's battue, these artists were striving for a place to show
their point of view of the state of things.
They said "it was imperative to create this space, even though it was only
a manifestation of our protest". But when those who conceived the museum shared their idea with those personalities
of the artistic world that they respected, the response was unanimous, and every single one of them supported the project.
"The modern museum - and thus Moderna Museet - is fundamentally a paradox. Moderna Museet is undoubtedly a museum, a
place that most people associate with history, with memories and with order imposed on them. With constructing, reconstructing
and even deconstructing history, or rather, the many histories that can be recounted of what has been. But the museum is nonetheless
modern - an arena for the contemporary, for contemporary art and the debates that surround it." Say the Moderna Museet
as a way of describing their venture. The base concept is the same as in MAM Chiloe.
As the Museum of Modern
Art of Chiloe (MAM Chiloe) evolution from a small 80 piece collection back in 1989 to a broader 200 in just a couple of
years, the concept within the project began to take form in a parallel way as it happened in Stockholm. The concept
within the museum began to change from still-permanent- perennial collections to living ones, requiring the constant
input of the artist who grows and evolves himself and, therefore, had to go updating-replacing-innovating within his works,
and that would show on the display.
In 1991, the linkage between MAM and the Swedish Moderna Museet concept was doubtless.
It was then when MAM chiloe settles in its current location in the Municipal Park of Castro in an old warehouse built by
the famous architect of the 70s Isaac Eskenazi, the place needed to be saved, and this was indeed possible thanks to
the opportune collaboration of the Swedish Embassy.
From then on, MAM is one of the only South American experiences
to share the Swedish principles, interpreting the concept in tight bonds with the society and culture the museum is
trying to portray and share. The experience is still developing to our days to an outstanding rate and with fabulous results.
Frassinetti. Art and Antique Dealer, Buenos Aires, Argentina Chiloe and Stockholm.
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Bob Frassinetti Copyright 2007 Roberto Dario Frassinetti
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