Route 40 Argentina

RN 40 Catamarca

by Bob Frassinetti
Route 40 Argentina
RN 40 Jujuy
Ruote 40 and Route 9 Jujuy - Salta
RN 40 Salta
RN 40 Catamarca
RN 40 La Rioja
RN 40 San Juan
RN 40 Mendoza
RN 40 Rio Negro
RN 40 Chubut
RN 40 Santa Cruz
Tierra del Fuego
Photo Album Page
Contact Us
Exporting Art and Antiques from Argentina to the World
Art, Antiques and San Telmo
MAM The Museum of Modern Art of Chiloe
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum
Villa del Valle de Tulumba

Welcome graphic

An e-zine is an online magazine. There are as many different kinds of e-zines as there are people with something to say. Some are devoted to travel tips or investing advice. Others discuss politics or the arts. There are literary e-zines that include poetry and short stories or that simply collect jokes. The possibilities are limitless.

To create this e-zine, I just sat down and thought to myself: what do I like to read? The content comes from a variety of sources: some I've written myself, some has been written by friends, and some has been contributed by other Internet users just like you.

I hope you enjoy this e-zine. Be sure to send e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!

Clipart of a computer; Actual size=146 pixels wide

Table of Contents
January 2000

In this area, I might include links to specific pages of my e-zine, perhaps with a short summary of the content in order to draw readers in.

Read about Route 40 on Face Book and Flickr