Route 40 Argentina

by Bob Frassinetti
Route 40 Argentina
RN 40 Jujuy
Ruote 40 and Route 9 Jujuy - Salta
RN 40 Salta
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Since Dicember 2010 Updated 2018 Copyright Bob Frassinetti, for Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

My Kingdom, my Hobby. How I have turned my hobby into a business.

Or maybe it was the other way round, I started this my art and antiques business and now its my hobby, anyway read on ............

The first project I began to work on was the on a toy museum. I found myself finding in flea markets, fairs and old toy shops beautiful and rare toys made in Argentina about which there was no information available. I looked everywhere until I found out that I couldn’t find it ‘cause it didn’t exist. All the amazing Argentine made toys I collected were made during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, and unlike other countries in the world who worry about their history and cultural legacy, we –as a society- have let them in forget. So at the same time I collected vintage and antique toys I began to develop a research group who was in charge of finding all loose pieces available to complete the puzzle of the Argentinean toy industry’s history. The result has been so far not only encouraging but amazing, for besides of understanding the true nature of some of our most marvellous items, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing many of the most outstanding Argentinean industrials. The Museum has grown ever since I blended the objects with the information about them. And it has become to be the first virtual museum on Argentinean toys in the country and maybe even in Latin America. The feedback we’ve received throughout these incredible years of hard and full hearted work has given us strength and passion to keep on developing what so far is has come to be a brilliant idea. At the same time the Museum grew and I began to discover the richness in Argentina’s cultural and social history through means of one of its material productions: toys. A ticking question my toy oriented research unveiled was that every culture reflexes their vision of the world through their objects, and I found out that many American models that were been produced in Argentina were been adapted to the Latin American cultural public. So I began to wonder about how an immigrant built country’s objects would reflect this, and it has been quite a great surprise, the blend of the indigenous, colonial and immigrant cultures is superb down here and the objects these past generations have left us are outstanding. This is how ArtDealer, as a cultural and collectibles project began. My initial knowledge of art and antiques, and my experience with cultural research at the Museum were the foundation for Art Dealer begin to grow. At the same time, as I kept on travelling through the bewitching scenarios of the beautiful Argentina I began to understand a bit more about that eclectic and gorgeous culture that intrigued me so much about the objects of our forefathers. Precious treasures, hidden under the everyday life’s chores. To me this has been a discovering experience that has filled me with joy, and keeps on surprising me every day as a young child who begins to open up to the world’s marvels. When Argentina, during the 2001 crisis, began to open up to travellers from all over the world, who were coming to discover this wonderful place, I thought I had to share my experience with those who cherished culture, travelling, and discovering as much as I did. I also thought that if I were to travel overseas I’d love to do it the way the saying says: When in Rome, you do what Romans do… and nothing better than a Roman to show you how. To share my knowledge and discoveries, I designed custom made tours, not only ‘cause I like to work on a personal basis, but because I deeply believe each of us is unique and has different interests and passions and mass produced standard culture leaves out –some times- very important things. And for Buenos Aires, as every other metropolis has something to offer to each and every one of us, likewise Argentina. Nearly 12 years have gone by now since I’ve began to picture this broad cultural project, and each and every one of the days I’ve worked to develop my idea have been amazing, with its ups and downs, inputs and changes of direction. I’m very glad and grateful to be able to do what I love most and to be able to share it with others who, as myself find this lifetime experience unique and beautiful.

Link to Photo Album Bob Frassinetti

Interested in buying antiques and collectibles from Buenos Aires or for that matter any other item that I have mentioned in any article you have found on this my web site, you can buy Toys from my museum and threw eBay, threw the Toy Museum on eBay press here; Toy Museum on eBay and threw The Buenos Aires ArtDealer, press here; Art Dealer on eBay From Art to Antiques. Or contact me direct. For more information :Email Bob Frassinetti.

Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 200 -2010. Roberto Dario Frassinetti. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Freud in Heaven here in Argentina
Topic: Argentina

When our country was giving its first steps as a new Nation, Freud was also doing so.

Born in May 6th, 1856, the forefather of Psychoanalysis is celebrating the 150 anniversary of his birth. Worldly famous for his theories on psychoanalysis and therapy, Mr. Sigmund leaves no one indifferent. Lovers and detractors from around the planet find in this occasion as an excuse to further a debate that has long walked along with the practice of the analysis of the psyche.
In some way the world has divided upon this. Argentina can be described as the Freudian heaven with its incredibly high acceptance of the theory and large number of psychologists… Recent statistics point out a more than 600 Argentine per psychologist relationship… While in the US, conductive psychology, Jung and psychiatrists are the rule. May be Woody Allen is the exception to prove us right.
This man who invented the Oedipus complex was born 150 years ago in Moravia, now in the Czech Republic. According to his biographers, it was when he was training to be a doctor when he stumbled upon the theories of hypnosis and hysteria that were to lead him into a study of the human mind that would shake the foundations of Western thought. It's hard to believe now that there was ever a time when we didn't believe that childhood experience had a powerful effect on our adult life, that our dreams were mirrors of the psyche, that slips of the tongue are revealing, or that everything, ultimately, was about sex. Freud’s geniality lays not on the fact that he could come up with those ideas –that as a matter of fact were already in vogue when he was young- but on the fact that he was the first to formulate them into a coherent system of thought. He has been the leading intellectual force during the 20th century and nothing seems to be threatening this throne…
Perceived more like a climate of opinion rather than a single wise man, Freud has transcended Freud, to become the quintessence of modern ages.
The world of the individual, the ideas, and the self is better understood thanks to him.

It a complex discussion that only specialists can address, whether he was a right or wrong… However, as Argentines we cannot let this special occasion slip our minds and words.
We Argentines are very Psychoanalyst fond. "Everybody jokes that the taxi drivers in Argentina read Freud, and they do”, everybody does…
Tons of works trying to find out the reasons of this phenomenon have resulted in no good answer. Hence in this case conjectures can bring some light to it. The singularity of this situation in our perspective can be traced back to a simultaneous origin as we express on the article’s title. When Freud was being born, our Nation was doing so too. While Argentina got its independence in 1810, it wasn’t till mid 19th century when it found its way thru as the country we know these days. In between, there were regional pushes, civil wars, confrontations, different projects of Nations that were being debated simultaneously. Finally between 1852 and 1862, Argentina finds its own path. Argentina develops and growths together with Freud. And when our country is finally mature enough, so is Freud.
In this immigrant’s nation, wholesome of individualities that needed to find their way thru a new place and world of significances, the aid of psychoanalysis would greatly be appreciated.
No clear answers have arose regarding this matter, however, may be they are not needed… It’s just the way we are, like our mate, tango, grilling passion for meat and Latinized European feel of belonging to the world’s southernmost country.

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For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti.

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Game's we play in Argentina
Topic: Argentina
Toad and Frog's, well, its not about kissing frogs, but throwing small coin like objects to the frogs mouth ………

The history of the Sapu, Sapo, Toad, Holly Board,or the Frog game is in a weird way particular and universal.

Indeed this is a complex initial definition, but as we go on describing its history we’ll go figuring out that this is the most accurate definition that we can provide.
We have stated in our previous research work [1] on the history of games and toys that there was one outstanding feature shared by the most popular games played by humanity (such as balls and dolls): they transcended oceans and continental distances, appearing in distant societies such as the American Mayas, the Egyptian and the Normans for example.
There’s no exception to this rule in the case of this particular game that consists in a piece of furniture with several holes in the top surface plus obstacles to make these targets more challenging, to which the players toss small flat metal discs; the goal is to reach the holes which are further away and insert the chips tossing them from a pre determined distance.

According to game historians, the barrel game is one of the oldest ones within civilized humanity. Most common in settled populations especially due to the fact that this was a complex construction with much of craftsmanship involved not only in the developing of equal weight and diameter chips but also in the crafting of the furniture.
In Ancient Greece this was known as the broken pot game, it was mainly a warrior game because it favored the aiming skills at the same time it was a relaxing activity that took their mind off combat. The Romans that invaded and conquered Ancient Greece incorporated this game to their leisure activities.

The Vikings and Normans also had a similar game, but instead of aiming at anaphors, they aimed at wooden barrels.

At the same time, in the American continent, in the region that in these days is Bolivia and Peru, the Inca Civilization also had a similar game where the goal was to insert small stones into carved orifices.

See Picture Image Gallery of this strange and polemic toy:

Link to Photo Album Frog Game from South America

It is without a doubt a skills game that has transcended distance and time gaps to a greater extent, for it has remained almost unaltered to our days. Because of the fact that it was played around the world by such a variety of cultures, because during the 18th century worldwide communications developed at an amazing rate bringing faraway locations closer, transporting inventions from one end of the world to an other, the origins of this game as we know it today are a mystery.
But as always, history and archeological remains may help us unveil the mystery.

There are two very strong turning points within the game’s features that we should take into consideration.

On one hand we must take notice of the 16th century English version, especially to those of Norfolk and Essex. There is a great deal of name variations such as: Pitch Penny, Penny Seat, Penny Slot, Tossing the Penny or Penny in the Hole, however the game is essentially the same: pennies are thrown across the room and into a hole carved in the seat of a high-backed settle or wooden bench. It was mainly played in taverns and pubs. To our knowledge this is the first time that a piece of furniture is consciously altered for the game’s sake. While in ancient versions (such as those of the Romans, Greeks and Vikings) the chips were tossed into vases or barrels as an improvised container, in this English versions there was a special container.
On the other hand we find another early version within the Inca society. There’s a traditional fable from approximately the same historical period than the one we referred to in the English example that is before the Spanish conquest –hence it would be quite impossible that either society had known or imported the tradition from such far away regions. The ancient legend tells the story of the young Inca royalty members playing in the shore of the Inca sacred lake, the Titicaca, the royal family would throw gold pieces into the lake, hoping to catch the attention of the mystical amphibious creatures worshiped by this society: to the Incas the frog was a magical being, and they believed that if these powerful creatures catch a gold stone it was a sign of goodwill from the Gods, hence the person who had tossed the stone was awarded a wish.
In honor of so many wishes becoming true, the Inca master ordered the palace craftsmen to work on a golden frog sculpture that featured an open mouth so as to make wishes come true. Soon this tradition became a royalty game and was christened: Sapu, the Toad or frog.

If we take these as two of the early origins of the Toad game we will find that strangely enough the modern version merges both British low class furniture and an aristocratic golden toad of the Incas. As the game evolved in each of the regions we find also of innovations such is the case of the Inca version that it would latter feature a Golden sun in the back of the furniture, being this the highest rate hole; while in the old continent, ornaments and obstacles were added to the original furniture to make it harder and more exiting.

As time went by we’re sure that these faraway traditions would influence each other in a variety of ways.
It’s important to point out that during modern times it wasn’t all about England and the Inca empire, there were several less complex versions in other European countries too. And as obvious as it seems that the influences within these sort of games traveled faster than men itself, evidence seems to point out that these were the initial focus from where it spread. Also, the Peninsular area of Europe that was very much in touch with the American continent might have been influenced by this royalty game more than the upper European classes wish to admit (specially because they considered the American pre Columbian population as inferior beings). In Portugal the game is called Jogo do Sapo, in France it is known as La Grenouille or Tonneau in Belgium Tonspel or Pudebak, and in Catalonia - La Rada. And the key word here being frog leads us to the South American Sapu- Sapo origin. Linguists will observe that these names mean "Frog" or "Toad" game. The reason for this is that generally the most difficult hole is in the shape of an ornate frog or toad in the centre.
Indeed the Toad in the board or Sapo game is an amazing and fun game to play in or outdoors, alone or in large groups, and it’s always fun to test your aiming skills as well as your patience when you’re not targeting correctly.
The Sapo furniture can be either a table or booth featuring several holes or cavities. The goal of the game is to insert the metal discs into the most far away holes for these have the highest points.
Each player’s score counts each toss and depend on the location and difficulty degree of the toss.
On the back of the board there’s an old woman or a sun depending on the country’s tradition, plus there’s the traditional toad in the center of the board and to the sides there are a couple of metal mills that complicate the game a bit more.
There is no limit of number of players. The distance between the player and the board should be at least 4 yards.
It’s important to bare in mind that there are no written regulations to this game, they are usually commonly accepted by the participants, that including the number of players, the distance and the amount of chips that each of the contestants receive.
The winner will be the one who reaches the high score mark previously agreed or the one who after several rounds has made the highest among the participants.

Being this, such an ancient game that has survived throughout time the invention of toys and technological revolutions within the industry it should not surprise us that the toad game has earned a place in the pantheon of timeless amazing games together with the ball and the doll.

[1] SEE the history of toys and games at :

Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2007- 2010. Updated 2018 for Roberto Dario Frassinetti. Argentina.

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Food and Wine Argentina
Boutique Restaurant. La Florida Colonia Uruguay
Inside La Florida
Argentine food Asado name for Barbeques
See Picture Image Gallery for, Asado
Hesperidina is Argentinas most famous aperitif.
Eating Pizza at Las Cuartetas

Gallery Nights Photo Gallery
Gallery Nights 2004 Image Gallery
Another Gallery Night 2005
Gallery Nights 2006, BAC and The Buenos Aires Toy Museum

Art for sale, Art Dealer Photo Gallery
J Viski oil painting for sale
Leopoldo Torres Aguero oil painting for sale
Religious Painting of South America & Argentina
Image Photo Gallery for Quintanilla, Alberto.
Francisco Adaro, up coming artist mural artist
Monique Rozanes is a brilliant contemporary artist.
Spisso Liberato was a great Argentinean artist
Francisco Adaro, erotic art.
Francisco Adaro
Relegoius Art for sale
Viski Largest World Picture Gallery
Vito Campanella Art Argentina
Leopoldo Torres Aguero and Monique Rozanes
Contemporary Art Argentina
Francisco Adaro

Insulator Photo Gallery
Glass Insulator Argentina
Porcelain Insulator Argentina
French Insulator only found in Argentina
Silver or Grey Insulators made in Argentina
Insulators out in the Wild
Insulators found along the roads in Argentina

Books Review and for Sale
Book on Lighthouses in Argentina
Book on Steam Train in Argentina
Book on Shipwrecks around Argentina,South Atlantic
Book on Soccer - Football Trading Cards, Argentina
Book on Highway Route 40
Book on Pop Star Diva Susana Gimenez
Book on Buby,diecast toys made in Argentina.
Book on Art form "Fileteado"
Kaiser , Ika Industries Argentina

Photo Gallery For Art Dealer
Vito Campanella
Leopoldo Torres Aguero and Monique Rozanes
Arte BA 2006 Argentina
Francisco Adaro, up coming artist from Argentina
Francisco Adaro
Francisco Adaro,erotic art.
J Viski,Janos Viski. 1891- 1961 Hungary Photo Gallery
Cloudio Giannini, Argentina
Photo artist Jenny Fortune

Toy Museum Picture Gallery
My Little Pony, Argentina Photo Gallery
Buby Photo Book, Photo Gallery
Strawberry Shortcake, Frutillitas made in Argentina Photo Gallery
Toy Tractors & Farm Toys,Argentina.Photo Gallery
The Giants Attacking You , Los Titanes de Atakan, CD.Photo Gallery
Super Powers, Super Amigos, Argentina.Photo Gallery
Robot's from Argentina. Image Gallery
Batman CollectiblesPhoto Gallery
Buby Die cast, Sample Photo Gallery
Toy Soldier, Lead & Plastic Photo Gallery
Mazinger Z Argentina, Photo Gallery
Duravit Indian Rubber, Photo Gallery
Buby Estanciera IKA Die cast, Photo Gallery
The Incredibles in Argentina Photo Gallery
Estanciera IKA by Buby re painted model
Kaiser Frazer Willy Station Wagon
Gallery of Robot & Space Toys made in Argentina
Kaiser Frazer Carabela Manhattan, made in Argentina
Art and Toy Museum Exhibit Furniture
The Buenos Aires Toy Museum Picture Gallery
Robots and Space Toys made in Argentina
Gallery Nights, BAC and The Buenos AIres Toy Museum

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Recoleta Cemetery Buenos Aires
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Lighthouse at Medanos Point
Helmets of the Deep Collectibles
Jose Ignacio, near Punta del Este, Uruguay
Walking around Colonia, Urugauy
Buenos Aires to Colonia, Uruguay.
Lighthouse on Martin Garcia Island
Lighthouses Argentina.
East Point Lighthouse Uruguay, Punta del Este.
Perlas Islands Submarine,the true story
Lighthouses in Argentina & Uruguay

Steam Tractor & Old Tractor Photo Gallery
Steam Tractors,found in Argentina
Old Tractor's Made in Argentina
Old Tractors found in Uruguay

Trains in Argentina Photo Gallery
The Old Patagonia Express
Trains in Argentina
Train Tours for Argentina

Photo Gallery on Buenos Aires,San Telmo as well as other Flea Markets
San Telmo Flea Market, Image Gallery
Down Town Buenos Aires,Image Gallery
Railway Station Flea Market, Image Gallery
Mercado de las Pulgas Buenos Aires

Collectibles Photo Gallery
Enamel Advertising Signs found in Argentina,Image Gallery.
Vintage Telephone Equipment found in Argentina, Image Gallery
Helmets of the Deep Collectibles
Royal Doulton found in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Glass Candy Containers made in Argentina
Picture Image Gallery for Vintage real photos from Argentina.Old photos
First Day Covers Argentina
Diving Helmet Argentina
Ford Falcon Made in Argentina

The Land of Fire,the End of The World
The Land of Fire: The Wondera. The Story begins.Image Gallery
The Wondera, the strange and enicmatic old man

Vintage & Old Cars
Estanciera IKA, Jeep Willy vesrion made in Argentina
Torino Car designed in Argentina
Siam Di Tella, was a trademark company in Argentina
Fiat 1100 Argentina
Rambler made by Kaiser here in Argentina
Fiat 1500 Berlina made in Argentina
Fiat 1500 Coupe
Argentine Kaiser Carabela, see image of this rare Argentine Kaiser
Vintage Cars from Argentina or Uruguay
Kaiser Funeral Car made in Argentina
Carabela Kaiser IKA Argentina,
Rally Car Project in Argentina
Old Vintage Cars from Argentina and Uruguay
Old Cars and Old Tractors found in Uruguay
Classic Car Show San Telmo
Car Show 2006 Argentina
Club Ford Argentina

Art and Antique Tours for Dealers
Lonely Planet and Bob Frassinetti
Mad Dog Antiques & Maudlin travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina
ArtDealer and Pascal Debusschere from Paris,France.
Bob Frassinetti as your Personal Shopper
Giuseppe Pirone
Dr Jenny Fortune
Diana's Bobo lodge. Bed & Breakfast in San Isidro
Valeria del Mar. Pinamar
Father and Mother Christmas from the USA visiting Argentina

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Lighthouse Tour
Train Tours in Argentina
Tips for Buenos Aires
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