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Route 40 Argentina
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Update for Bob Frassinetti
Topic: Bob Frassinetti

For Buenos Aires and All Argentina, on Arts, Antiques, Collectibles and Disign as well as Events on Arts & Culture Influence and Research by Bob Frassinetti.

Travel and Living with Arts Antiques + Water, Land, Real Estate + Cultural Influence in Argentina and other South America Countries by Imigration and Investement in todays Modern World. 




cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka
Topic: Villa de Tulumba

cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka


Bob Frassinetti, Enterpreneur in the World of art, art collecting and international antiques dealer as well as free lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, following like always the Dakar Rally from 2009, 2010,2011, and again 2012! Join me now as we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of Cordoba” Real Estate Investment in Art Bricks and Land, we are and have purchased Land for cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into wine and Vodka, we are Building a Gallery Museum to Exhibit local Art and Artist as well as our exclusivity Art and Toy Museum Collection ........ Travelling for Art and Antiques" in all South America and I have been on line since 1996 .


Exporting Art and Antiques World Wide
Living with art and antiques and travelling the south of South Amercia. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
San Telmo, Buenos Aires Argentina 










Bouchard 1170
La LucilaBuenos Aires B1637AZJ

ph: 005491169651955
fax: 00541147990567
alt: 005491144753983




Bouchard 1170
La LucilaBuenos AiresB1637AZJ

ph: 005491169651955
fax: 00541147990567
alt: 005491144753983

Posted by route40argentina at 9:39 AM EDT

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