route 40 map
route 40 map
General Map of Route 40, Ruta 40, Argentina. If you would like to take part in any of our tours or in this interesting rally venture or just are looking for information on Route 40 Ruta 40, Argentina, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly through email, phone or chat. Press here: Contact me See "artdealer_ar" profile on Yahoo, I'm online now!:You can chat with me using Yahoo Instant Messenger. Email : Email Bob Frassinetti. Check out Market Place Argentina our Forum for Buying and Selling from Argentina. Visit my community 2012 Bob Frassinetti Copyright Roberto Dario Frassinetti Route 40 Argentina | Promote your Page too
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Real Estate opportunities in Buenos Aires and other mayor cities in Argentina Topic: Real Estate Argentina Invest in Real Estate and its opportunities in Buenos Aires and other mayor cities in Argentina During the past couple of days the world of Real Estate in Argentina has been going through an interesting change. Thanks to an agreement between the government and the most important national banks (State and private) everyone who pays rent in the city will be able to access to ownership of the property in 30 year long credit lines with low interest rate. The importance of this, while only accessible for Argentine citizens and non owners, is the impact that will have on the market itself. First of all, due to the fact that more buyers will be entering the market, prices will indeed raise. And secondly this will impact on the credit lines available in the region. While this new and interesting shift in Argentina’s government policy is only targeted to Buenos Aires City, the impact on the rest of the real estate market will soon be palpable. The fact is that important cities and regions in the provinces are already showing an important growth and development that can help us project the lines of evolution within this market. Recent data shows that the growth in property value of provinces such as Santa Fe, Neuquen, Rio Negro and Misiones is of more than 17%. Taking upon the value reconstruction that took place in the last couple of years. Locals are indeed finding a new charm in living in smaller cities in ecologically friendly environments such as those available in the Argentine provinces. Construction data is also astonishing, the growth and development of new real estate projects is unquestionable. Range values going from US$700 to US$950 for apartments in Bariloche, Neuquen, Comodoro Rivadavia, Rosario and Mendoza. The growth and development lines in Argentina’s real estate market are unquestionable. We’ve been pointing this out for several years now. Not only in regional but in international comparing terms, for it’s natural resources and for its sophisticated culture, Argentina has become the 21st century Prague and Paris, the San Francisco and New York of South America for investors. The lines of evolution are in constant move and development, so it’s important that potential investors are up to date with insightful information and proper counseling. We’ve put our best effort to keep track of these important variables for our readers and clients. We’ll be soon posting new information on these trends’ evolution. However, for anyone who’s interested in any particular investment, please contact us directly and we’ll provide insightful information as well as professional advice. Apartments Buenos Aires For more information on apartments Buenos Aires or if you are interested in buying Art or Antiques, and you are thinking of travelling to Argentina please feel free to email us…….. Please feel free to contact Flor Rodriquez by emailing her: Email: Flor Rodriguez. or Bob Frassinetti: For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to see all topics on Art, Antiques and Travel Information for Buenos Aires & Argentina:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone me thru Skype, ID: Bob Frassinetti or you can also chat with me thru Yahoo, press here: Yahoo Contact Find me on MySpace and be my friend! Art & Antique Dealer Bob Frassinetti Read The Buenos Aires Art Dealer a e-zine magazine on Art, Antiques & Collectibles from Argentina. The Buenos Aires ArtDealer, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti Copyright Roberto Dario Frassinetti 2006